filing chapter 7 bankruptcy Archives - Westgate Law

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Tag: filing chapter 7 bankruptcy Archive

Bankruptcy Issues

Can Bankruptcy Stop Your Eviction?

Tenants facing eviction often frantically search for answers to the situation. First and foremost for those in this situation is usually the desire to stay in their home. The need to relieve the pressure of the debt usually comes in a close second and third is a desire to do ...
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Bankruptcy Issues

Life After Bankruptcy: When Creditors Forgive, But Don’t Forget

Have you ever loaned a friend or family member money? Maybe it was way back when you were 12 and your 16 year old sister really wanted your babysitting cash because she was headed to California with a friend and REALLY wanted to go shopping at the outlets on the ...
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Chapter 7

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: Why is My Bank Account Still Frozen?

If you’ve filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you case is complete and you have received your discharge of debt, you’re probably dancing on the rooftop – or at least on a countertop! That is, unless you have lingering issues such as a bank account that is mysteriously still frozen. If ...
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Hanging Onto Your House When Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

The main concern of many bankruptcy petitioners is their home. They know that bankruptcy is their best (or only) means of solving their financial situation, but they don’t want to lose their house. Many are willing to go to extreme measures not to lose their home. Consider this real life ...
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Bankruptcy Issues

Filing Bankruptcy: When To Stop Making Payments to Creditors

When you decide to declare bankruptcy, you must make a comprehensive list of all creditors to which you owe money. Every one of them must be listed in the paperwork as bankruptcy is designed to treat all creditors fairly in regards to payment and nonpayment. Depending on the petitioner’s specific ...
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Purchasing a Vehicle Before Receiving Bankruptcy Discharge

There are many bankruptcy petitioners who fear the consequences wreaking havoc on their ability to have a vehicle and stay mobile. Bankruptcy laws may leave petitioners aware that they can’t keep the vehicle they have currently (for a number of different reasons), but equally aware that they will need a ...
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Bankruptcy Issues

Bankruptcy is Particularly Popular Amongst Baby Boomers

A recent study (American Bankruptcy Institute, ABI Journal, September 2007) indicated that 42% of people filing bankruptcy fall between the ages of 45 and 64. It appears that older Americans are filing for bankruptcy protection at a drastically faster rate than their younger counterparts. In fact, “Baby Boomer” bankruptcies are ...
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file for bankruptcy

Owning Land in Your Name After Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Many bankruptcy filers assume that their life is drastically changed for good once they’ve filed for bankruptcy. They assume they will have no access to credit…ever again. They assume they won’t be able to own property or make real estate purchases. They assume they’ll just need to stick with the ...
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bankruptcy consultation

Credit Counseling vs. Bankruptcy

Nearly every bankruptcy consultation will eventually lead to one big question: Is filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy a better option than credit counseling? It’s a big question with a big answer because they are both valid options and the only way to respond to the question appropriately is with a list ...
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