Tag: bankruptcy and divorce Archive
Should I or Should I Not: The Bankruptcy Dilemma
Justin Harelik
February 17, 2016
Bankruptcy can affect you for a long time, so it’s prudent to consider other options before jumping in with a petition for bankruptcy. Many business owners who come to a point where they have to acknowledge that their business is failing panic and this leaves them missing additional options, or ...
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Bankruptcy & Divorce: Who Gets the Assets?
Justin Harelik
January 20, 2016
In a divorce, it can be difficult for both parties to agree on which assets belong to who. A situation wherein one individual receives the home and another receives other assets or, in some cases, nothing, can be complicated even further if the person that receives the home does not ...
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Bankruptcy and Divorce: When Your Ex Files Without Adhering to the Property Settlement Agreement
Justin Harelik
March 26, 2015
So you filed for divorce. During the divorce process, a Property Settlement Agreement (also known as the Marital Settlement Agreement) was created detailing out the division of assets and liabilities. In this agreement, it’s common for the family home to be designated to one of the two parties. When this ...
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