There are many issues regarding filing for bankruptcy in southern California. There are just as many issues regarding recovering from bankruptcy and moving on with your life. For instance, in the years after you’ve filed for bankruptcy, you may find yourself in the position of looking for or applying for a new job. At this point many will wonder what they should tell their future or potential employer about their bankruptcy.
During the process of the job application process there will often be references to bankruptcy in an employee or potential employee’s past. The questions regarding bankruptcy filings in your past may come in the form of a question on the application or a question during the interview process. In other instances, potential employers will simply ask for permission to run a credit check.
Experts on southern California bankruptcy law would advise that you don’t need to volunteer the information unless you expect the issue to come up during the application process. If you do believe it is going to come up, you do not want to attempt to hide it. If you expect it to come up, it’s best to address it immediately. When you’re talking to the potential employer in person or on the phone is best as this will provide them the chance to connect with you on a more empathetic level. They’ll get more of a human feel for you and be able to view it as a mistake; one you aren’t blaming on anyone else, but taking responsibility for yourself.
If you’re able to approach the issue in this manner, you’ll be able to assume that if they are going to hold your bankruptcy filing against you it’s simply due to company policy and not necessarily because of you. Some future employers may even see previous bankruptcy filings as a positive factor. You made a mistake, acknowledged it without trying to pass the buck, searched out a solution and took it. You filed for bankruptcy and then began to rebuild. Keeping the discussion of this particular issue personable is the best route. If there’s a possibility that the issue is going to come up, bring it up yourself. Don’t let them find it out before you mention it through a routine background check. If you do, it will appear that you are trying to hide it from them or that you are being dishonest.
But remember, you don’t have to mention your bankruptcy right off the bat. It’s not something to lead with during your interview for the job. There are many cases when the employer isn’t even going to ask you about past bankruptcies. They’re simply going to hire you based on experience or on the strength of a referral. The best bet is to play it by ear. There are some situations in which you should bring up your past bankruptcy during the interview process and others when it’s completely unnecessary.
If you need additional information on how to handle your bankruptcy during past-bankruptcy job application processes, contact the southern California bankruptcy experts at Westgate Law.