After you’ve pulled your credit report, adjusted your mindset to your new, lower credit score, and made your credit score goal of 720, you’re ready for the next step.
Step Two: Update Your Information with the Credit Bureaus
Start at the beginning and make sure that all the information reflected on your credit report is accurate. Even basic information needs to be updated. Check your personal information and your residence history. Is it up to date and complete? Is the information correct? Showing that you have been living in the same place for numerous years is a positive. Rental stability is also important. Once you’ve checked your personal information and your residential history, move on to your employment history.
Make sure that your employment history is accurate, complete, thorough and current. Keep in mind while reviewing your employment history (as reflected by the credit bureaus) that creditors like applicants with a stable employment history.
Making sure that the basic information reflected on your credit report is accurate can actually make a difference when future creditors view your report as a means of determining your credit eligibility. Holes in your history of residences or employment history are sometimes the first thing they take note of and the note will not be good.
If you do find inaccuracies or missing information on your credit report/s, you should take immediate action. Make sure all requests for changes, removal of inaccurate data, or additions of updated information are made via the specified procedure for each credit-reporting agency. Keep a running log of the changes you’ve requested so that you can follow up and make sure they were taken care of by each of the three bureaus. Don’t just assume that if you requested they add the employer they were missing from 2012-2015 that it will be take care of. No one cares as much about your credit report as much as you do so you should be the one to police it.
Once you’ve thoroughly combed through the information included in your credit report from Experian, Equifax, and Trans Union, and made sure it is an honest reflection of your actual history and current situation, you’re ready to move on to Step Three.
If you need additional information about filing for bankruptcy or if you have questions about the recovery process after bankruptcy, please get in touch with an experienced southern California bankruptcy attorney from Westgate Law today.